Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Perfect World

Katherine Michel
Mr. Sandoval
Photography Period 2
17 November 2011
A Perfect World
                A perfect world is world without cyber bullying or abuse. A perfect world is a world that we can only image. If people did not bully others people would feel more safe in their surroundings. Bullying may not seem harmful but it leads to things much worse than the expected, people who feel attacked and alone result in suicide. Bullying is something that is not tolerated but usually goes unnoticed because the victim would be too afraid to open up and tell someone. Cyber Bulling affects me personally because someone that I knew was being bullied, they did not tell their family or friends and ended up attempting suicide. If we could eliminate cyber bullying, or even bullying in person, kids would not feel afraid of going to school and going on the internet, there would be less suicides and drama. I believe a world free of bullying is a part of a perfect world.

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